Wednesday 20 August 2014

Independence Day Celebrations by Young Salwanians

Independence day was celebrated in school on 13th August 2014. Children came dressed up as different freedom fighters and presented a skit. They were made aware about the sacrifice made by the freedom fighters for achieving the freedom that we are enjoying today. They also were given a worksheet in which they coloured our national flag.


Saturday 2 August 2014

Learning In & Out

In & out, we jump and we learn
The pre number concept of ‘In and Out’ was drilled to the children in a play way method. Children were made to jump in and out of a hoopla kept on the floor. This enabled them to comprehend the concept of in and out well

Fun & learning hand in hand

Children played with the clip set which will help in improving their concentration. The children played with their clip set separating clips of different shapes and  colours and making beautiful necklaces and bracelets for the most important person in their life i.e their mother.