Saturday 26 July 2014

Hand Printing

Children are enjoying the teacher putting water paints on their hand and putting their handprints on paper while the others are eagerly waiting for their turn to come and enjoy doing this activity.

Pre - Number Concept

Children were taught Pre - number concept through beads. They inserted the beads in a string and were told to count them. This not only helped in the concept of more and less but also in  developing eye-hand coordination. Different shapes and colours were also recaped through this activity. 

Playing with blocks

When children play with blocks they learn the concept of size, length. They learn to count, sort & classify. They are learning to share blocks with their friends and their creativity is at their best.  

Learn Shapes

Children were made to walk on the coloured tapes placed in the classroom to make them aware of the shapes as well as making them physically active in the class.


Clay works wonders!!

Moulding the Clay- in our special way
Clay moulding is taken as a first step towards writing as it helps in developing fine motor skills. Writing is an important part of our daily lives. It is however, a difficult skill to learn and master. By getting a head start some simple activities like clay moulding are taken up in the class which helps the child to develop writing skills at an early age. The children are encouraged and taught to mould alphabets and numbers with clay and then they try to form them on the slate. This type of creative play promotes imaginative problem solving skills. It also helps us in achieving our aim in making the child master the skill of writing later on. 

Peg Race

Ready- Steady- Go

 A peg race was organized wherein the children enjoyed squeezing the pegs on the cloth-line. This zealous activity was helpful in developing the fine- motor skills of our little ones and also gave them the sense of achievement once they were able to do so. A small activity like this gave an outlet to vent out their energy physically and also helped in developing the sportsman spirit.

Books- The Best Birthday Present

It is said that Books are our best friends. So, we at SMS, Naraina have started presenting a book on their birthday. This loving gesture makes our tiny tots feel special on their birthday. The books are just one liners with colourful and bold pictures for the children to enjoy. With this, we have tried to help our children build a bond with the school as well as the world of books.

Circle Time

"The world is round, let’s go around..."
To make our little ones familiar with the school, the place which is said to be their second home, a circle time activity was taken up in the school garden. Students were made to sit in a circle and a ball was passed to them. The child who got the ball gave his self-introduction. This active play helped the little ones to know their peers and also shed their inhibitions and feel to be a part of the group. It also made them share a bond with the teacher.